Monday, April 6, 2009

Piazza dell'Anfiteatro, Lucca, Italy

Italy-10, originally uploaded by Abhishek's Received Postcards.

The Piazza dell is a square of the city of Lucca, built on the ruins of a Roman amphitheater (the second century AD), which determined the elliptical closed.
The Piazza originated in the Middle Ages and in this era was called "Parlascio", a storpiatura of Latin paralisium ( "amphitheater"), that influence of the word "talk", it was said that indicates the place where the meetings were held in public. It was gradually filled with buildings, variously used as storage rooms, powder magazine, prison.

Lucca is a city in Tuscany, northern central Italy, situated on the river Serchio in a fertile plain near (but not on) the Ligurian Sea. It is the capital city of the Province of Lucca. Among other reasons, it is famous for its intact Renaissance-era city walls.


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